2018 - Exposition: Chemins de traverse

      This piece of work is the result of a creative endeavour carried out by the same team that brought to life the warmly welcomed book Les escaliers de Québec (2008). By Luc Bureau, geographer-writer for the text, and Ghislaine Bureau, for the graphic design and illustrations, Chemins de traverse is printed in an edition of 45 numbered copies and 5 copies unavailable for sale.

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      2016 - Exhibition: 60 Years of Design Binding

      International exhibition of design binding presented by ARA-Canada in collaboration with HEC Montreal, under the direction of Monique Lallier, curator of the exhibition.



      2013-2014 - Exposition : La couleur du vent

      ARA-Canada in partnership with the École Estienne, Paris, has organized an international exhibition of bookbinding to be held in Paris, Quebec and USA in 2013 and 2014. This exhibition will bring together 50 binders, each giving their interpretation of the same book. The invitation to participate has been extended to all alumni of the École Estienne and members of ARA-Canada.

      The book featured at this exhibition is called “La couleur du vent”. This is a collection of poems by Gilles Vigneault, illustrated by Nastassja Imiolek under the artistic direction of Cécile Côté. Book edited by Les Éditions de l'atelier de reliure de Cécile Côté, Montréal, 2011.

      La couleur du vent Read more...( PDF )     Exhibitions Gallery

      Dates and Venues

      2012 - 2013 - Exhibition : Les escaliers de Québec

      Les escaliers de Québec : jeu de jambes et désirs suspendus (an artist book about Quebec City’s famous stairways). International design bookbinding exhibition. Du 28 septembre au 26 octobre 2012, à la bibliothèque Chrystine-Brouillet, Québec. Du 26 février au 18 avril 2013, Centre des métiers du cuir de Montréal, Montréal. Du 27 mai au 27 juillet 2013, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, Paris.

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      2012 - Exhibition : Prix Ara France de la jeune reliure
      HEC Montreal

      ARA France organise à tous les deux ans un concours s'adressant à tous les jeunes de moins de 26 ans qui suivent une formation en reliure-dorure dans un établissement public ou privé. Toutes les reliures, et il y en a 63, ont été exposées à l'École Estienne à Paris, puis à la Bibliothèque de Riom. Grande nouveauté cette année, elles le sont aussi pour la toute première fois à Montréal, du 28 février au 20 avril 2012, à la Bibliothèque Myriam et J.-Robert Ouimet, École des Hautes Études Commerciales,3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal (Québec), Canada H3T 2A7

      Ara France HEC Read more ( In French )...

      2011 - Exhibition : Dires érotiques

      An artist books exhibition on a set text, the text being 10 erotic haïkus by author Pierrette Pelletier. Lisette Gaucher and a team of volunteers from ARA-Canada successfully presented the exhibition at the Charles-H. Blais Library in Quebec City, from February 11 to March 4, 2011, then at Le Centre des Métiers du Cuir de Montréal, from April 7 to May 6, 2011.

      Miroirs et reflets Read more ( In French )...      Exhibitions Gallery

      2008 - Exhibition : Québec reliée comme jamais

      It is indeed extraordinary to celebrate at the same time Quebec City’s 400th anniversary and an exhibition of magnificent design bindings. Sixty-six bookbinders from France, Italy, Japan, the United States and Canada celebrated form and colour with amazing craftsmanship as all visitors could attest at the Bibliothèque de l’Assemblée nationale du Québec, from June 24 to September 29, 2008.

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      2005 - Exhibition : Noirs Bleus Sables

      In celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Château Ramezay, the Museum is teaming up with the organizers of UNESCO “Montreal: World Book Capital” and the international association “Les Amis de la Reliure d’Art”, to bring you an intimate look at the evolution of the artwork that binds the pages of history.

      This exhibit is for book lovers of all ages that will revel at the chance to experience the artwork of these rare intricately decorated artefacts. Furthermore, this collection illustrates that books are not just messengers of ideas but are in themselves pieces of art that capture the evolution of communication, from Antiquity to the new electronic era.

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      2005 - Exhibition : Celebrating scribes

      An exhibition of rare Islamic manuscripts is presently on display in the McLennan Library Lobby from September to November 30, 2005. The selection includes bound Arabic, Persian and Turkish manuscripts, some of which reveal the finest examples of book illustration and illumination. In addition, the exhibition features early fragments of the Qur'an on parchment, wooden writing tablets, a miniature scroll, lacquer pen boxes, and beautiful calligraphic pieces.


      2005 - Exhibition : Le livre des origines

      International design binding exhibition on a set book, Le livre des origines, published by ARA-Canada. Two venues : Bibliothèque Gabrielle-Roy, Quebec City, Canada, in 2005, followed by the Museum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris, France, in 2006.

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      2002 - Exhibition : Miroirs et reflets

      Under the name Miroirs et reflets, bookbinders were invited by ARA-Canada to create design bindings reflecting their actual inspiration, be it a traditional binding or an artist book. Visitors of the Salon international du livre de Québec (Quebec Book Fair) could admire their work in the entrance hall from April 24 to 28, 2002.

      Miroirs et reflets Exhibitions Gallery

      1996 - Exhibition : Ve FIRA

      Every two years or so, since the first one in Monaco in 1988, a FIRA is organized by one or the other national ARA. FIRA stands for Forum International de la Reliure d’Art. Hundreds of bookbinders, artists, bibliophiles, librarians, collectors and specialists from twenty countries gathered in Montreal for the Ve FIRA in 1996, the first one to be held in Canada.

      Miroirs et reflets

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